There are no delivery charges for any of the products bought from our site The price indicated here is inclusive of all charges. However, in exceptional cases, the installation team may request some additional charges (for additional quality, special request, extra wire, connectors, etc.) which have to be borne by the customer at the time of installation.

Estimated delivery time

All orders received during working hours are tried to be processed by us within 30 minutes. Accepting, Packaging and Delivery of products are then processed by the respective delivery & installation team/retailer. The same may take 4 to 24 hours depending upon the retailer and the rush at that time. If any products dispatch through courier, then it will take 5-7 working days like Remote.  If you need any help, then you can WhatsApp us @ 9729991794 or you can also mail us at

100% Secure Payments

All major credit & debit cards accepted.

Great Selection

100% Payment Protection. Easy Return Policy.

Low Price

We give lowest price Guarantee on all our Brands.

Speedy Delivery

We deliver the product within given time period